Above this entry is a Photo Frame 352 from the Patterson Film of Bigfoot. There was only two people there. Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin. Roger has passed away. But Mr Gimlin came to the Ohio 22nd Bigfoot Convention and spoke. I had a chance to speak to this wonderful man. I can honesty say I have never met a more humble and down to earth person in my entire lifetime. He spoke of the day and the events before and after the encounter of Patty. Based upon his testimony I am convinced the Patterson Film is real and not fake. Mr Gimlin saw a real to life Sasquatch.
The OBO and the USBRA (United States Bigfoot Research Association) sponsored a picnic and gathering for this years speakers. Mr Gimlin was given a engraved watch. And the other speakers were awarded prizes as well. It was a chance to get your picture taken and speak one on one with some brilliant people. Mr Gimlin and Dr Jeff Meldrum, held nothing back. They posed for one photo after another and answered questions freely. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I came away with a life changing , thoughts and knowledge. (for me at lease).
I came into Bigfoot Investigation searching for real evidence. I felt there was only a slim chance they (Sasquatch) was real and I would spend the rest of my life, bringing to truth the evidence of the investigations and sightings from a scientific approach. Now, I am a believer and hope one day to find the proof and or DNA sequence to get these creatures into the accepted wildlife books.
Is there such a thing as a Sasquatch or Bigfoot? Yes, I say - at lease during the filming of the Patterson Film.
You have no scientific proof. True, during the time of the Patterson Film, Science and Law Enforcement SIU was still in the dark ages, there was no GPS or DNA, or other accepted modern day methods of collection. So we have to base this thought on what he have. A film that has been torn apart, frame by frame. No Bigfoot suit ever found. The Testimony of a man that was THERE. Who saw "Patty" while riding around a bend on a horse "16 hands tall" or he was at 9 feet off the ground. "Patty" was guessed to be 7 foot 9 inches tall. Go find a man to fit that suit if you can. No, if there was a flaw in the Patterson Film, we would have found it by now. So I rest my case and state on the record... "Maybe it's time to believe... there could be a Sasquatch out there.
Capt Bligh
OBO Evidence technician